Document 1802 DOCN M94A1802 TI Day clinic: a pioneer experience in Rio de Janeiro. DT 9412 AU Joao CE; Cunha Q; Silva A; Machado E; Costa I; Cruz J; Menezes J; Servidores do Estado Hospital. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):448 (abstract no. PD0399). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370773 AB The number of hospital beds for AIDS in Rio de Janeiro is lower than needed. Public medical assistance to an impoverished population has been worsening due to reduction of health funds lately. The Servidores do Estado is a large public general hospital with a small infectious disease departament. Day clinic was created to improve diagnostic and therapeutic for AIDS patient. From aug. 18th through dec. 30th, 1993, 113 patients were admitted to this unit; more than twice the conventional admission in the same period and 29 adminissions to inpatient unit were avioded. There were 615 medical procedures, 50% above the conventional outpatient consultation besides improving the quality of assistance, diagnostic procedure were rationalized through previous appoitments, hospital visits became more humane and confortable through an inpatient setting including meals and therapeutic facilities. Patients, families and health staff were broughth closer, reinforcing solidarity through the AIDS patients association. The Day Clinic of HSE is pionner in RJ and may be a solution to reduce costs of medical care to AIDS patients and is possible to adapt such system to the Brazilian reality. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/DIAGNOSIS/*THERAPY Brazil *Day Care Human *Outpatient Clinics, Hospital MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).